What is Techno Nationalism ?

Techno Nationalism is the sharp rise when nation states are using their superiority in specific technologies to rise up the global hierarchy and dominate other nations.
One common example is the use of technology to advance nationalist agendas with the goal of promoting connectedness and a stronger national identity.
This idea establishes the belief that the success of a nation can be determined by how well that nation innovates and diffuses technology across it's people.
Technological nationalists believe that the presence of national R & D efforts and the effectiveness of these efforts are key drivers to overall growth sustainability and prosperity  of nations.

Current sate of global affairs

US - China race

  • Goal is  dominance over new technologies like artificial intelligence , quantum computing ,internet of things.
  • Most analysis taking place recently , puts china in par with US, in areas like artificial intelligence and big data analytics , genomic manipulation and even quantum computing.

Anti- China sentiment

  • Action by developed countries against Chinese ambition and it's government's use of private companies to gather data from friends and rivals alike.

Status of developing and under developed countries

  • They are users not original innovators
  • Many of them turning towards china for new technologies
  • In the emerging scenario of fourth industrial revolution, the world is getting divided into the techno colonies or the users and developers.

Role of India

  • Banned many Chinese apps and talked about developing indigenous 5G telecom technology.
  • Government has outlined it's vision for artificial intelligence and quantum computing

Factors preventing India's technological advancement in the past

  • Lack of coherent long term vision and a clearly articulated action plan.
  • The erstwhile soviet union model development although helped in achieving competency in some areas (food security) it hindered technology adoption due to closed nature of economy.
  • After 1991 reforms, the focus was on economic problems than on technological development.
  • Lack of intent by private sector: which preferred to buy technology rather than developing it.
  • Lack of ambition to compete with other countries ; India develop cutting edge technology (the technological devices or achievements  that employ most current and high level of development)only when they are denied access.
  • example: development of cryogenic engines , nuclear technology and super computers.

India should be more ambitious in developing cutting edge technologies to escape from being a tech -colony.

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