Untold story of Monkey pox

What is monkeypox?

It is a zoonotic infection (that is it can spread from animals to humans ) caused by monkeypox virus.
Monkeypox was first discovered in1958, when outbreak of a pox like disease occurred in monkeys 
kept for research. The first human case was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic Of The Congo.


Spreads mainly when a person comes into close contact with an infected animal, human or materials 
contaminated with virus.


Fever, headache, muscle aches, back aches, swollen lymph node, chills, exhaustion.

Global health emergency

Recently WHO has declared a global health emergency in relation with monkeypox.

Why global health emergency?

This declaration makes monkeypox outbreak as an extraordinary event , that could spill over into more countries and requires a coordinated international response.

Elements leading to health emergency

The virus has to spread to non endemic countries. That is this virus spreads rapidly to many countries that have not seen it before.

Main three criteria

  1. Extra ordinary event
  2. constitutes a public health risk
  3. potentially requires a coordinated international response


It spreads rapidly , and cause one out of ten deaths if infected.

Treatment and vaccine

No specific vaccine or treatment is available.

Structure of virus

Like all pox viruses , monkeypox virion are also large, enveloped and brick shaped.
Encapsulated  with each virion is a core containing a liner , double stranded DNA genome 
and enzymes required for viruses uncoating and replication.


  • Avoid close contact with people who  has been infected .
  • Avoid handling clothes, sheets , blankets or other materials that have been in contact with infected animal or person

  • Wash your hands with soap and water after contact with an infected person or animal

  • Avoid animals that may carry  virus.

    Through coordinated efforts we can eliminate monkeypox.

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