The Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) , is a legal instrument treated as the cornerstone of the global nuclear non- proliferation regime. The treaty rationalized the non - proliferation norm by de-legitimizing 'proliferation" ( production and transfer ) of nuclear weapons , fissile materials and related   technology by the non nuclear weapon states(NN WS)while the recognized five nuclear weapon states(NWS) namely the US, Russia, the UK , China  and France can continue to posses nuclear weapons. The treaty can be described to have three objectives of non- proliferation, disarmament , and peaceful uses of nuclear energy. However , NNWS criticized this treaty of having structural flows and viewed it as an imbalanced instrument.

Nevertheless the treaty has attained a near universal status with just four holdouts- India, Pakistan ,Israel and North Korea and is widely acknowledged that having a treaty to halt the spread of nuclear weapons was better than having non at all.


  • Failure of disarmament process.
  • System of nuclear 'haves' and 'have-nots'.
  • Tussle between NWS and NNWS.

India's stand on NPT

  • India is one of the only five countries that either did not sign the NPT or signed but withdrew, thus becoming part of a list that includes Pakistan, Israel , North Korea , and South Sudan.
  • India always considered the NPT as discriminatory and had refused to sign it.
  • India has opposed the international treaties aimed at non- proliferation since they were selectively applicable to the non nuclear powers and legitimized  the monopoly of the five nuclear weapons powers.

Way Forward

  • Rising energy demand have led to a growing number of countries pursuing nuclear energy, and many countries wish to be energy independent , in order to ensure a sustainable and dependable domestic energy supply . As clean energy , development , and peaceful coexistence are essential for every country.
  • Thus the challenge for the international community will be to reconcile states desire for energy independence with their desire to both reduce the intrusiveness of IAEA safeguards and diminish the possibility of proliferation.
  • Also NNWS welcomes New START and other initiatives, but it is anxious to see more concrete actions on reducing the role of  nuclear weapons in national security doctrines, reducing alert levels , increasing transparency, and other steps.
  • More regions in the world should enter into an arrangement of establishing Nuclear -Weapon -Free Zones.
  • Further , Treaty on the prohibition of Nuclear Weapon is a step in the right direction for nuclear disarmament.
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