BRO stands for border roads organization . It is modern and transitional constructional that is committed to meeting the strategic requirements of the Indian armed forces . The  organization plays a vital role in upscaling infrastructural development.

  • Initially , BRO was functional under the Ministry of  Road Transport and Highways. But since 2015, it is being managed and is functional under the Ministry of Defense.
  • BRO is operational under in 21 Indian states and one union territory . But also, functional in our friendly countries like neighboring countries such as Afghanistan, Bhutan , Myanmar and Sri Lanka.
  • The organization was formed on May 7,1960, to maintain and develop the Indian remote areas of north and north east situated near borders.
  • The BRO Raising Day is celebrated on May 7, every year.
  • The composition of this organization comprises officers and troops who are selected from the Indian Army's Corps of Engineers , Army Service Corps , Military Police and other personnel.

Missions of BRO

  • To ensure that cost-effective , sustainable , and strategic needs of the armed forces are met without any inconvenience.
  • Achieving an international level of quality excellence and time consciousness.
  • Present their expertise in any project of national or transnational development.
  • Using information technology in the best possible manner and implementing it as an advantage in various infrastructure projects .
  • Highest level of proficiency must be shown with every construction.
  • To upgrade the quality of life and livelihood in border areas by helping them with the means of easy transport, accessibility and connectivity


  • The biggest assistance provided by BRO is to the defense sector of the country . It has diversified into large spectrum of construction and development works comprising of construction and development works comprising airfields, building projects , defense works and tunneling and has endeared itself to people .
  • BRO during Peace; Contribute in the social , economic development of border states. Developing the infrastructure of operational roads for staff.
  • During War; Maintaining and developing the roads through the Line of Control and perform any other  specific task assigned by the Government
Apart from the above mentioned situation, BRO's contribution to the safety and growth of developing bordering regions of the north and north east also plays very important role. Not just in India , but in our friendly neighboring countries as well , BRO has had a part to play in the infrastructural development . One of these include the Delaram - Zaranj Highway in Afghanistan , Which was Constructed in 2008. Apart from this , in case of a calamity or natural disaster , the work to undertake reconstruction can also be handed over to border roads organization.

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