Lunar eclipse takes place when the moon moves into earth's shadow. The earth has to be directly between the sun and the moon, and the a lunar eclipse can only take place during a full moon. Fist the moon moves into the penumbra- the part of the earth's shadow  where not all of the light from sun is blocked out .Part of the Moon's disc will look dimmer than a regular full moon.

And then the moon goes into the earth's umbra , where direct light from the sun is totally blocked out by earth. This means the only light reflecting off the moon's disc has already been refracted, or bent, by the earth's atmosphere.


  • During this , the whole of the lunar disc enters the earth's umbra , so the moon appears reddish ( Blood Moon).  This won't last forever.
  • After about 14 minutes ,the moon will be out of earth's umbra and back into earth's penumbra. In total , the lunar eclipse will last for few hours..
  • Red light has a longer wavelength than blue light , which gives the lunar eclipse it's characteristic reddish colour.
  • On earth , we see the same effect during sunrises and sunsets, when the sky has a more reddish glow than during the day.

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