The Central Bureau of Investigation is a government agency in India that is responsible for investigating corruption, economic crimes, and other serious offences It is a federal agency that operates under the jurisdiction of the ministry of personnel , public grievances , and pensions.

The CBI was established in 1963 with the passing of the Delhi Police establishment act , which gave the agency the authority to investigate cases throughout India . Science then,  it has become an important tool in the fight against corruption and other crimes.

One of the key functions of the CBI is to investigate cases of corruption involving public officials , including politicians and government employees. It also investigates economic crimes such as financial fraud and money laundering, as well as other serious offenses like terrorism and counterfeiting.

The CBI works closely with other law enforcement agencies in India and abroad to gather information and evidence in its investigations. It also has the power power to arrest and detain individuals suspected of criminals , and to seize assets that are believed to be the proceeds of criminal activity.

In addition to its investigation work , the CBI also plays a role in the prosecution of criminal cases . It works with the Indian legal system to ensure that cases are effectively prosecuted and that justice is served


  • Lack of resources : The CBI is often underfunded and understaffed , which can make it difficult for the agency to carry out its work efficiently.
  • Political interference : The CBI is a government agency and as such , it is vulnerable to political interference . This can make it difficult for the agency to conduct investigations impartially and can led to criticism of its independence.
  • Bureaucratic hurdles : The CBI must navigate a complex bureaucracy in order to carry out its investigations . This can lead to delays and obstacles that can hinder the agency's ability to effectively carry out its work.
  • Lack of public trust . 
  • Resistance from being investigated.


  • Increase funding and staffing.
  • Measures to protect CBI's independence , like appointing an independent director or the establishment of a board  to oversee the agency's operations.
  • Streamline the bureaucracy.
  • Increase transparency.
  • Strengthen partnerships.
Overall , addressing the challenges faced by the CBI will require a combination of resources , reforms and partnerships. By taking multi- faced approach , it is possible to improve the effectiveness of the CBI and better support its mission of combating crime and corruption in India.
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