Red sanders ( Pterocarpus Santalinus) is a species of tree that is found in the south eastern regions of India. It is a type of hardwood tree that is highly valued for its high-quality wood and vibrant red colour.

Protection status : Red sanders is considered to be an endangered species and is protected under Indian law. It is illegal to cut down these trees with out proper permission, and the export of red sander wood is also restricted.

IUCN : Vulnerable

CITES : Appendix 3

Threats : The main threat to red sander is illegal logging for its valuable wood. The high demand for this species has led to widespread deforestation and habitat destruction, which has made it difficult for this species to survive . Other threats to Red Sanders include climate change , loss of genetic diversity, and lack of proper management and conservation measures.

Benefits : Red sanders has a number of benefits , including its use as a traditional medicine in India. The wood of this tree is also used for furniture , flooring, and decorative purposes due to its high quality and unique colour. Additionally , Red Sanders provide important habitat for a variety of wildlife species.

Features ; Red sander is a medium sized tree that can grow up to 25 meters tall. The tree is characterized by its smooth , dark red bark , which is the source of its name. The leaves of the red sanders tree are pinnate , and the tree produces yellow flowers . The wood of the red sanders tree is hard heavy and fragrant.

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