Upskilling India’s Pharma Sector || Editorial Analysis

The pharmaceutical business in India is well known for manufacturing top-notch generic drugs at affordable prices, but it still confronts a number of obstacles that prevent it from dominating the market. These include concerns with infrastructure, a lack of innovation, intellectual property rights, price control, a lack of skilled workers, international competition, and a disproportionate reliance on China.

The Indian government has launched a number of programmes to address these issues, including the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme, which encourages domestic production of vital drug intermediates and APIs, the Strengthening Pharmaceuticals Industry Scheme, and the Promotion of Bulk Drug Parks Scheme.

However, the sector must also make investments in R&D and innovation and upgrade its personnel with cutting-edge tools like data analytics and artificial intelligence/machine learning. The sector will be better able to compete globally, less dependent on China, and deliver new and innovative medications to the market by creating a strong skill ecosystem, spending money on research and development, and bolstering the infrastructure.

The Indian pharmaceutical sector can improve world health by creating affordable, high-quality, and creative medicines.

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