What is LEMOA?

LEMOA is an acronym for the logistics exchange memorandum of agreement. It is a military agreement between Armed forces of India and the USA that establishes the basic terms, conditions , procedures for logistic support , supplies and services . The agreement encompasses medical services, training, spare parts, fuel, food, water, transportation, clothing, repair , maintenance, and communication services.

Foundational agreements signed by USA

There are three agreements that the US calls foundational agreements . They are;

  1. Logistics Support Agreement (LSA)
  2. Communications Interoperability Memorandum of Agreement (CISMOA)
  3. Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geo - Spatial Cooperation
These are singed by  the US with other countries with which it has close ties in the military sphere. These agreements are signed to build the basic ground work and promote interoperability between militaries by developing common systems and standards . They also serve as guides for sales and transfer of high-end technologies.

Benefits of LEMOA- India

  • It gives access to designated military facilities on either side for refueling and replenishment.
  • A mechanism will be instituted for book keeping and payments and officials , who acts as nodal point of contact will be designated on both sides.
  • The agreement will cover four areas;
  1. Port calls
  2. Joint exercises 
  3. Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief
  4. Other areas include food, water, billeting , transportation, petroleum, oils, lubricants, clothing , communication, medical services , storage services, training services, spare parts, and components, repair and maintenance services and calibration services.
  • It does not provide for the establishment of any bases or basing arrangements.
  • This is purely a logistical agreement . India can access the string of US facilities across the globe for logistical support and the US which operates in a big way in Asia - Pacific, will benefit from Indian facilities.
  • The arrangement does not create any obligations on either party to carry out any joint activity.
  • The arrangement is aimed to significantly enhance the operational capacity of Indian Armed Forces , including in their response to humanitarian crisis or disaster relief.


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