Rajya Sabha passed the Energy Conservation ( Amendment Bill) , 2022. The Bill amends The energy conservation act 2001.

  • The bill mandates non fossil sources of energy.
  • It establishes a domestic carbon markets in India .
  • The was also amended in 2010.
  • The bill mandates the use of non fossil sources like, Green hydrogen, Green ammonia, Biomass , Ethanol etc  for energy feed stock.
  • Forming Carbon markets.
  • Including Large residential buildings within the fold of the energy conservation regime.
  • Improving Energy Conservation Building code
  • Amend penalty provisions.
  • Increasing number of members in the governing council of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency.


  • Issuing carbon credits :  According to Global Energy Monitor , the government will issue carbon credits, Industries could sell and buy credits to meet their carbon budget.
  • We can  not sell these carbon credits to another country, even if we sell it will not be added to to NDCs.
  • However there is a provision to sell them to another countries , when there is a surplus or a need to finance some cutting edge technology.

  • Reducing the connected loads of states.


  • It is said to be ultra vires of the energy conservation act 2001.
  • It lacks a coordinated approach.
  • Inadequate opinion in BEE.
  • Legal infirmities.


India is currently marching towards its target of reducing its carbon intensity by 45% by 2030. This goal is a part of India's updated nationally determined contributions.
India needs to align public  financial flows with announced targets on energy transition, to leverage private finance, this includes :
Shifting subsidies to clean energy,
Mandating state owned enterprises investments in clean energy and increasing targets on public finance for clean energy.

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