What is a Ramsar site?

The wet lands that are listed under the Ramsar convention are known as the Ramsar sites in India .It holds critical importance to the environment and ecology of India.
The term was coined when  the international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands took place .

Ramsar convention

It is an international treaty for the conservation and wise use of  wetlands . It is named after Iranian city of Ramsar on the Caspian sea , where the  treaty was signed on 2 February 1971.

Montreux record 

Montreux record under the convention is a register of wetland of international importance where changes in ecological character have occurred , are occurring ,or are likely to occur as a result of technological changes 
developments ,pollutions or other human interference.
  • It is maintained as a part of Ramsar list.
  • The Montreux record was established by the recommendation of the conference of contracting parties(1990).
  • Sites may be added to and removed from the record only with the approval of the contracting parties in which they lie.

Why wetlands are important?

  • The health of people  on our planet depends on healthy wetlands.
  • 40% of the worlds species live or breed in wetlands.
  • Wet lands are Nurseries of life .
  • Wet lands are kidneys of earth -they clean the environment of pollutants.
  • Wetlands matter for climate change-they store 30% of land based carbon.
  • Wet lands minimize disaster risks- they absorb storm surge.

Location of Ramsar sites


Deepor Beel Lake

Andhra Pradesh

Kolleru Lake


Kabartal Wetland
Nal sarovar Bird Santuary


Thol lake
Wadhvana Welland
Sulthanpur National Park
Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary

Himanchal Predesh

Chandetral  Wetland
Pong dam lake
Renuka Wetland

Jammu and Kashmir

Wular lake
Hokersar Wetland
Surinsar Mansar Lake
Tsomoriri Lake


Asthamudi Wetland
Sasthamkotta Lake
Vembanad Kol Wetland 


Tso Kar Wetland

Madhya predesh

Bhoj Wetland


Lonar Lake 
Nandur Madhameswar


Lok Tak Lake


Bhitarkanika Mangrooves
Chilka Lake


Beas Conservation Reserve
Harike Lake
Kanjli Lake
Kesh O Pur - Miani  Community Reserve
Nongal  Wild Life Sanctuary
Ropar Lake


Keoladeo Ghana National Park
Sambhar Lake

Tamil Nadu

Point calimere wildlife and Bird Sanctuary

Uttar predesh

Nawa bganj Bird Sanctuary
Parvati Agra Bird Sanctuary
Saman Bird Sanctuary
Samaspur Bird Sanctuary
Sandi Bird Sanctuary
Sasai Bird Sanctuary
Sursarovar Bird Sanctuary


Upper Ganga River Asan Conservation Reserve 

West Bengal

East Kolkata Wetlands
Sunderbans Wetland

New sites

Tamil Nadu

Udhayamarthandapuram  Bird Sanctuary
Vendanthangal  Bird Sanctuary
Vellode Bird Sanctuary
Vembannur Wet land Complex 
Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve
Koonthankulam Bird Sacntuary


Satkosia Gorge


Nanda Lake


Ranganathitto Bird Sanctuary

Madhya predesh

Sirpur Wet land

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