ESA stand for Ecologically Sensitive Area. They are areas/zones notified by MoEFCC  around Protected Areas, National Parks and Wild Life Sanctuaries .The purpose of declaring ESZs is to create some kind of shock absorbers to the protected areas by regulating and managing the activities around such areas .
At present there are over 600 Sanctuaries and National Parks in the country as ESAs.

How ESA is declared?

As mentioned earlier ESAs are declared according to the notification issued by Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change. Which  draws it's power from the Environment Protection Act of 1986.

Prohibited Activities in ESAs

  • Commercial mining
  • saw mills
  • industries causing pollution (air, water and soil)
  • Establishment of major  hydroelectric projects
  • Commercial use of wood
  • Tourism activities like hot air balloons over the national park
  • Discharge of effluents or any solid waste 
  • Production of hazardous substance

Regulated Activities

  • Felling of trees 
  • Establishment of hotels and resorts
  • Commercial use of natural water
  • Erection of electric cables
  • Drastic changes in agricultural practices

Permitted Activities

  • Ongoing agricultural or horticultural practices
  • Rain water harvesting
  • Organic farming
  • Use of renewable energy sources
  • Adoption of green technology for all activities

Significance of ESAs

  • Minimize the impact of urbanization
  • Helps in in-situ conservation
  • Conservation of endangered species example  conservation of one horned rhino of Kaziranga National Park, Assam
  • They minimize forest depletion and man animal conflict


  • Developmental activities are affected
  • Tourism is also affected
  • Local communities, their life style and way of living is negatively impacted

Western ghats ecological expert panel

  • It is a committee headed by ecologist Madhav Gadgil
  • The panel classified Western Ghats into ESA 1,2,3  ESA -1 with high priority.
  • It specified a bottom to top approach in system of governance of environment
  • The report was criticized for being more environmentally friendly and not in tune with the ground realities

Kasturirangan report

  • It sought balance between development and environment protection
  • Instead of total area of Western Ghats only 37% of the total area to  be brought under ESA
  • Complete ban on mining in ESA
  • No thermal power plants
  • The committee identified geographical area falling into six states of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu as ESA

Way forward

  • A proper analysis based on scientific study is needed.
  • Afforestation , regeneration of lost habitat , reducing climate change impact by promoting carbon foot prints and through education is needed.
  • Reach balance between development and environmental protection through sustainable development.


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