R and D in India


According to UNESCO's data on Global expenditure on R and D has crossed 1.7 trillion dollars.

Status of R and D in India

Gross domestic expenditure on R and D is around 0 .7% of GDP. Approximately 37% was allocated general R and D agencies like ICAR, CSIR, DST, DBT, ICMR . 0.9% was allocated to R and D in electronics, IT and renewable energy.
Two important focus of Budget 2022-23 are;
  1. Opening R and D for industry, start ups and academia . 25% of defense budget has been earmarked for this.
  2. Identification of sunrise opportunities like ; AI, Geospatial systems, drones, semi conductors, space, genomics, pharmaceuticals, green energy and clean mobility systems.

India's performance

  • India is a low spender( only .66% of GDP).
  • In most of the developed capitalist countries , defense related R and D is undertaken by private sector.
  • In India expenditure is mostly by public funding.

Need for R and D

  • Increased productivity and growth.
  • Low cost indigenous solutions.
  • Improved learning outcomes.
  • Helps to reduce imports.
  • Helps to tackle emergencies ; in case of vaccine Covaxin along with  covishield.
  • Improve national security.
  • Reduce impact of climate change.

Steps taken by GOI

  • National research foundation.
  • IMPRINT; Impacting Research Innovation and technology aims to provide solutions to most relevant engineering challenges by translating knowledge to technology.
  • Atal Tinkering labs; Initiative by NITI Aayog under Atal Innovation Mission . It aims to foster curiosity , creativity, and imagination in young minds.
  • IPR laws; India is a signatory of TRIPS and has enacted it's domestic IPR laws to foster IPR creation and to curtail it's violation.


  • Low funding.
  • Delay in distribution.
  • High dependence on grants.
  • Lack of skilled people.
  • IPR violation.
  • Outdated Curriculum.
  • Poor Private sector participation.

Way forward

  • Increase fund allocation, as Economic Survey 2020-21 suggested , increase GERD to over 2% from 0.77%.
  • Promote start UP s.
  • Proper implementation of schemes like Make in India, and Atma Nirbhar Bharat.
  • Programmes for skill development.
  • Proper implementation of National IPR policy 2016.
  • GOI should promote Government-Industry- Academia partnership to support R and D ecosystem in India.
  • Expand learning experience to other sectors like green technologies, defense and electronic manufacture.

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