Dark net refers to encrypted networks that can't be indexed by search engines such as Google, Yahoo etc. It can be accessed Using special software like Tor or 12P.

They are only available to select group of people and not to general internet public and is only accessible through authorization and configurations.

They have a harmless side including academic databases and corporate sites as well as harmful side like black markets, fetish communities , hacking and piracy.

Dark net ; network build over internet

Dark web; websites on a darknet.


It stands for unindexed sites which are unsearchable; In most cases this is due to passwords by which they are protected. Deep web is 500-600 times larger than surface web.


It is also called as the visible web, Indexed web, indexable web or light net-it is the portion of World Wide Web that is available to the general public. It only constitutes 4-6% of the whole web.


  • It can avoid censorship.
  • It gives as anonymity and secrecy.
  • Useful for whistle blowers and journalists.


  • It facilitates illegal activities.
  • It gives space for black market.
  • Hacking and data breaches can happen.
  • Safe heaven for drug dealers, arms traffickers, child pornography collectors and criminals.
  • Example; Silkroad market place, which was a website for buying and selling of variety of illegal items. It was shut down by government authorities in 2013.
  • Activities against government.
  • It promotes terrorism.


Government across the world should strengthen their cyber security frame work. Cooperation has to be promoted regarding securing cyberspace world wide through intelligence, information, technology and expertise sharing. India should promote more R and D along with capacity building in the field of cyber security.
Kerala police department's initiative Cyberdome provide a facility aimed at preventing cybercrime and mitigate cybersecurity threats to State's critical information infrastructure.
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