NavIC is also called IRNSS - Indian regional Navigation System. It is designed with constellation of seven satellites and a network on ground stations which are operating 24*7. Out of eight satellites 7 remains active.
Three satellites are in geostationary orbit and four satellites are in geosynchronous orbit.

       International Maritime Organisation as a part of world wide radio navigation system (WWRNS) has identified NavIC for the operation in Indian Ocean region. The system is fully under the control of government of India.


  • Navigation ( Aerial, Terrestrial, Marine).
  • Disaster management.
  • Tracking of vehicles.
  • Fleet Management ( Mainly for mining and transportation sector).
  • Integration with mobile phones.
  • Precise timing ( as for ATMs and Power grids).
  • For mapping
  • For collecting geodetic data.


  • It is standard positioning service open for both civilian use and restricted service, which provides real time information.
  • Now India is one of the 5 countries having their own navigation system , which will help us to reduce our dependency on other countries.
  • Improvement in science and technology in India.
  • Strategic importance.
  • In accordance with Nirbhaya case verdict in April 2019 NavIC  based vehicle trackers are mandatory for all commercial vehicles.
  • Sharing the technology with SAARC Nations . It will help in Integrating regional navigation along with a diplomatic goodwill gesture from India towards countries of the region.


  • Reduced L band; Improved L band will enable it to offer global coverage.
  • Currently it is providing only short code, for strategic sector long codes are safe so that it cannot be breached or spoofed or made non available.
  • Lack of mobile compatibility.


  1. GPS  from U.S.
  2. GLONASS from Russia.
  3. Galileo from European Union.
  4. BeiDou from China.


  1. NavIC from India.
  2. QZSS from Japan.


Steps and advancement to make the system to have a global coverage like GPS. Medium earth Orbit satellites  for ships and aeroplanes.
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