NHRC stands for National Human Rights Commission . It is an independent Statutory Body established in1993 October 12th . It came into being as per the provisions of Protection of Human Rights Acts 1993. The act was amended in 2006.
NHRC has its headquarter in Delhi. It is described as the watchdog of human rights in the country.
Rights related to
  • Life
  • Liberty
  • Equality
  • Dignity of the Individual guaranteed by Indian Constitution and enforceable by courts in India.

United Nations adopted Universal Declaration of  Human Rights ( UDHR) in Paris on 10th December 1948.
For the First time Fundamental Human Rights was universally protected.
Every year December 10 is observed as Human Rights Day.
In 1991 , UN meeting in Paris has developed a detailed set of principles that is Paris principles.
These Principles became the foundation for the establishment and operation  of national human rights institutions.


  • It is a multi member body consisting of - a Chair Person, Five full time members and Seven deemed members.
  • A person who has been the Chief Justice of India or a judge of SC can become a chairman.
  • Chair man , and the members are appointed by president on the recommendations of six member committee.
  • The committee consists of-  PM as head, Speaker of Lok Sabha, the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha leaders of opposition in both houses and the Union Home Minister.
  • The Chairman and members can hold office for a term of 3 years or until they attain the age of 70 years.
  • President can remove any members including chairman on the charges of proved misbehaviour or incapacity( Proved by an inquiry conducted by SC judge)
  • Commission also has 5 specialized divisions
  1. Law
  2. Investigation
  3. Policy research and programmes
  4. Training
  5. Administration


  • It has all powers of a civil court .
  • Its proceedings has a judicial character.
  • NHRC investigates Violations either Suo Moto or after receiving petition.
  • It has the power to interfere judicial proceedings.
  • The functions of commission are mainly recommendary in nature
  • It has no power to Punish.


  • They have no power to enforce decisions
  • NHRC can not investigate the complaint if it is registered after one year of incident.
  • Rejection from government.
  • Restrictions
  • Limited power.
  • It has been termed as India's teasing illusion by Soli Sorabjee due to its incapacity to render any practical relief to aggrieved party.

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