Uniform  Civil Code provides one law for entire country , applicable to all religious communities in their personal matters like marriage, divorce, inheritance, adoption etc.

According to article 44 state shall endeavor to secure a UCC for the citizens throughout  the territory of India.


  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was the head of Sub committee on fundamental rights , it decided that securing UCC was not within the scope of Fundamental rights.
  • According to Naziruddin Ahmad from Bengal who was a member of the committee, UCC  would be canceling article 25- right to freedom of religion, subject to public order morality and health.
  • But K.M Munshi on the other hand said that UCC will promote the unity of nation and equality for women.
  • B.R. Ambedkar stated that the article merely proposed that the state shall endeavor to secure a UCC , which means it would not impose it on all citizens.


  • It will bring uniformity in cases, India does not have uniformity in most criminal and civil matters like the criminal procedure code, civil procedure code etc.
  • It will enact gender justice, if UCC is enacted personal laws will cease to exist.
  • It will promote secularism , A secular nation like India needs a common law for all citizens rather than differentiated rules based on religious practices. 
  • All Hindus are not governed by a homogenous personal law, even after enactment of the Hindu civil code
  • Hindu Marriage act of 1955 prohibits marriages among close relatives but it is still happening in south India.
  • Shariat Act ; there is no uniform applicability.


  • India is a diverse country , so concept of one nation one law cannot be applied to diverse personal laws of various communities.
  • Plurality is already codified 
  • The framers of constitution did not intend a total uniformity, personal laws were placed in Concurrent list.
  • Many tribal groups in the country regardless of their religion follows their on customary laws.
  • Article 25, preserving the freedom to practice and propagate any religion.


  • Mohd .Ahmed Khan vs Shah Bano Begum judgment ; 1985
  • Sarla Mudgal judgment; 1995
  • Paulo Coutino vs Maria Luzia Valentina Pereira case 2019.


  • Government could bring separate aspects such as marriage, adoption, etc into UCC stages.
  • social reforms
  • codification of all personal laws.

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