Dear UPSC aspirant  . Are You Under stress?. Take five minutes and relax. Yes it is time to care for your mental health. Let us take some time to care for ourself.

Here are some ways to reduce stress during UPSC exam preparation.

  • Exercise regularly : Physical activity releases endorphins , which are chemicals in our brains that act as natural pain killers.
  • Eat  a healthy diet ; YOUR HEALTH IS IMPORTANT, do not forget to eat fruits and vegetabls.
  • Get enough sleep ;
  • When you are feeling very stressed it is good to practice deep breathing exercises, or Yoga .
  • Do not isolate your self, stay connected.
  • Create a schedule 
  • Prioritize self care : Self love is important.
  • Stay organized
  • Try to stay positive.
  • Take breaks - engage in activities that you enjoy.
Some times having a pet around will also help us a lot. When we feel so much stressed talk to someone who can listen to us .  Also do not be stressed over mock test scores, it is just the part of learning ,it is a chance for self improvement we learn from mistakes it is human nature guys, Often studying with out enough sleep or breaks will stress us a lot. We need to take care of ourselves . Trust the process enjoy the process, Work hard, That meant for us will come to us. Take care.

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