It was adopted at the third United Nations World conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held from March 14 to 18 , 2015 in Sendai , Miyagi Japan. The present framework applies to the small scale and large scale , frequent and infrequent , sudden and slow - onset disasters caused by natural or man made hazards as well as related environmental , technological and biological hazards and risks.

It guides multi hazard management of disaster risk in development. It is the successor instrument to Hyogo Frame work for action.


  • Understanding Disaster risk.
  • Data collection.
  • Systematic evaluation of records.
  • Awareness Programmes.
  • Making  use of traditional knowledge.
  • To promote cooperation.
  • To develop effective global and regional campaigns for promoting a culture of disaster prevention , resilience and responsible citizenship.
  • Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk.
  • To establish proper Mechanism and Technology.
  • To formulate public policies on relocation of human settlements.
  • Investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience.
  • Proper resource allocation.
  • Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to "Build Back Better" in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
  • Creating community centers.
  • Trained workforce.
  • Proper coordination.
  • Increase Preparedness for disaster reconstruction.


  • Participation of women is critical for effective management of disaster risk.
  • Children and youth are agents of change and should be given the space and modalities to contribute to disaster risk reduction
  • Older persons, their knowledge skills and wisdom can be made use of.
  • Indigenous people ; Their experience and traditional knowledge.
  • Scientific and research entities and networks need to focus on the disaster risk factors.
  • Media; creating awareness


  • Plan for reducing risk of disaster in order to protect people , communities and countries from disasters.
  • Effective prevention using Technology.
  • Strengthening good   governance.
  • Multi Hazard and multi sectorial approach.

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