• In virology gain of function research denotes deliberately altering an organism in the lab , altering a gene , or introducing a mutation in a pathogen to study its transmissibility , virulence and immunology.
  • A technique called serial passage is used here ; this is done by genetically engineering the virus and by allowing them to grow in different growth mediums.
  • Serial passage refers to the process of growing bacteria or a virus in iterations . For instance a virus may be grown in one environment and then a portion of virus population can be removed , and put into a new environment.


  • Using this researchers can study the potential therapies and ways to control the disease better future.
  • This researches enhance the viral yield and immunogenicity ( relating to immune response) which are required for vaccine development.


  1. Gain of function research involves manipulations that make certain pathogenic microbes more deadly or more transmissible .
  2. There is also 'loss of function' research , which involves inactivating mutations ,resulting in a significant loss of original function ,or no function to the pathogen.
  3. Mutations alter the structure of virus which may enhance or weaken the virus.
  4. GoF researches carry inherent  biosecurity risks and thus referred as ' dual - use research of concern
  5. Potential cause of harm - accidental or deliberate escape of these altered pathogens from labs may even cause pandemics.


  • All activities related to the research are regulated as per " Manufacture, use , import, export and storage of hazardous microorganisms / genetically engineered organisms or cells rules 1989".
  • In 2020 , the department of biotechnology issued guidelines for the establishment of containment facilities, called Biosafety labs.


  • The WHO should lead activities on DURC.
  • There should be responsible use of life sciences research, focusing on mitigation and prevention of bio risks and associated ethical issues.
  • Develop a global guidance framework for countries .
  • Ensure greater transparency about such research.

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